2. 3 博来霉素 博来霉素可作用于细胞的 DNA链,使DNA链断裂,从而破坏细胞的分裂和增殖,尤其以 M 期细胞最为敏感;还可通过调节赖氨酰氧化酶和与胶原蛋白成熟相关的交联酶来减少胶原蛋白的产生及促进其降解[11-12]。HUU 等[13] 报道,瘢痕疙瘩患者采用博来霉素治疗后,缓解瘙痒的有效率为80. 8%,改善瘢痕疙瘩厚度的有效率为87. 0%,在血管状态及硬度方面也有明显改善。研究显示,博来霉素治疗后,瘢痕疙瘩的萎缩程度和复发率与瘢痕疙瘩增生和隆起的高度相关。厚度>7 mm的瘢痕疙瘩大多难以消退,而厚度≤4 mm 的瘢痕疙瘩消退较快,甚至可以完全消退,基本没有复发[12]。博来霉素的不良反应包括色素沉着、疼痛和浅表溃疡等。其中疼痛的发生率最高,几乎所有患者都有不同程度的疼痛,博来霉素混合利多卡因注射可减轻疼痛。近 70%的患者出现色素沉着,曲安奈德注射可促进色素减退,因此博来霉素与曲安奈德联合方案可能会对色素变化方面有所改善。
2. 4 丝裂霉素 C 丝裂霉素 C 能够使肿瘤细胞中的 DNA 烷基化、交联并抑制 DNA 合成,并且可能导致细胞周期中 G1晚期和 S早期的 DNA片段化,较高剂量的丝裂霉素 C还能抑制 RNA和蛋白质合成[14]。一项荟萃分析结果显示,瘢痕疙瘩手术切除联合术后局部注射丝裂霉素C的复发率为16. 5%;1 mg/mL剂量的丝裂霉素 C治疗安全性较高[15]。丝裂霉素 C可以阻断伤口愈合过程中的血管生成从而延迟伤口愈合,手术切除后切口局部使用丝裂霉素 C 降低复发率可能与此有关。病灶内注射丝裂霉素C的不良反应包括严重疼痛、严重红斑、水疱、坏死和溃疡增加等,可与利多卡因联合应用以降低疼痛感,或通过控制剂量减少不良反应的发生。
目前,对于瘢痕疙瘩的详细形成机制仍未完全明确,尚无单一治疗方法被证实有持续的效果和较低的复发率,临床上多采用两种或多种方式联合治疗,给药方式也从传统的注射发展到微针、凝胶等多种方式,以提高疗效、降低复发率。继续探索更加个体化和更有效的治疗方案对瘢痕疙瘩的治疗具有重要意义。 参考文献: [1] OJEH N, BHARATHA A, GAUR U, et al. Keloids: current andemerging therapies [J]. Scars Burn Heal, 2020, 6:2059513120940499. [2] JIANG Y, ZHOU S, TIAN J,et al. Surgical excision and skingrafting combined with intralesional injection of triamcinolone forthe treatment of keloids after syndactyly release[J]. J Hand SurgEur Vol,2023,48(4):346-352. [3] DISPHANURAT W, SIVAPORNPAN N, SRISANTITHUM B, etal. Efficacy of a triamcinolone acetonide-loaded dissolving mi‐croneedle patch for the treatment of hypertrophic scars and ke‐loids: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled splitscar study[J]. Arch Dermatol Res,2023,315(4):989-997. [4] 薛佳杰,任忠亮,马平,等. 复方倍他米松联合曲安奈德序贯注射治疗瘢痕疙瘩的疗效及作用机制研究[J]. 海南医学,2022,33(15):1966-1970. [5] LI Y, ZHANG D, HANG B, et al. The efficacy of combinationtherapy involving excision followed by intralesional 5-Fluorouraciland betamethasone, and radiotherapy in the treatment of keloids:a randomized controlled trial[J]. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol,2022,15:2845-2854. [6] JIANG Z Y, LIAO X C, LIU M Z, et al. The safety and efficacyof intralesional verapamil versus intralesional triamcinolone ace‐tonide for keloids and hypertrophic scars: a systematic review andmeta-analysis[J]. Adv Skin Wound Care,2020,33(4):1-7. [7] 徐子迪,刘长松,沈嘉伦,等. 瘢痕疙瘩的临床治疗新进展[J].中国美容医学,2022,31(12):199-204. [8] ABOU-TALEB D A E, BADARY D M. Intralesional verapamilin the treatment of keloids: a clinical, histopathological, and im‐munohistochemical study[J]. J Cosmet Dermatol,2021,20(1):267-273. [9] 苑旺 . 驻极体 5-氟尿嘧啶贴剂抑制大鼠皮肤增生性瘢痕生长及机制的研究[D]. 上海:中国人民解放军海军军医大学,2019. [10] KHALID F A, MEHROSE M Y, SALEEM M, et al. Comparisonof efficacy and safety of intralesional triamcinolone and combina‐tion of triamcinolone with 5-fluorouracil in the treatment of ke‐loids and hypertrophic scars: randomised control trial[J].Burns,2019,45(1):69-75. [11] KIM W I, KIM S, CHO S W, et al. The efficacy of bleomycin fortreating keloid and hypertrophic scar: a systematic review and me‐ta-analysis[J]. J Cosmet Dermatol,2020,19(12):3357-3366. [12] LUO Q F. The combined application of bleomycin and triamcino‐lone for the treatment of keloids and hypertrophic scars: An effec‐tive therapy for treating refractory keloids and hypertrophic scars[J]. Skin Res Technol,2023,29(6):e13389. [13] HUU N D, HUU S N, THI X L, et al. Successful treatment of in‐tralesional bleomycin in keloids of Vietnamese population[J].Open Access Maced J Med Sci,2019,7(2):298-299. [14] MANDOUR Y, BAKE H, MOFTY E, et al. Topical versus inter‐lesional mitomycin C in auricular keloids[J]. Acta Otorrinolarin‐gol Esp (Engl Ed),2021,72(5):280-287. [15] SHIN J Y, YUN S K, ROH S G, et al. Efficacy of 2 representa‐tive topical agents to prevent keloid recurrence after surgical exci‐sion[J]. J Oral Maxillofac Surg,2017,75(2):1-6. [16] KLOTZ T, MUNN Z, AROMATARIS E C, et al. Imiquimod toprevent keloid recurrence postexcision: a systematic review andmeta-analysis[J]. Wound Repair Regen,2020,28(1):145-156. [17] DAI X, LEI T C. Botulinum toxin A promotes the transdifferentia‐tion of primary keloid myofibroblasts into adipocyte-like cells[J].Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol,2021,129(6):462-469. [18] KHATERY B H M, HUSSEIN H A, ABD-SL-RAHEEM T A, etal. Assessment of intralesional injection of botulinum toxin typeA in hypertrophic scars and keloids: clinical and pathologicalstudy[J]. Dermatol Ther,2022,35(10):e15748. [19] TAWFIK A A, ALI R A. Evaluation of botulinum toxin type Afor treating post burn hypertrophic scars and keloid in children:An intra-patient randomized controlled study[J]. J Cosmet Der‐matol,2023,22(4):1256-1260. [20] DE OLIVEIRA G V, GOLD M H. Silicone sheets and new gels totreat hypertrophic scars and keloids: a short review[J]. DermatolTher,2020,33(4):e13705. [21] POETSCHKE J, GAUGLITZ G G, TEOT L, et al. Onion extract[M]//Textbook on scar management: state of the art manage‐ment and emerging technologies: Chapter 24. Cham (CH):Springer,2020:209-213. [22] HOSNUTER M, PAYASLI C, ISIKDEMIR A, et al. The effectsof onion extract on hypertrophic and keloid scars[J]. J WoundCare,2007,16(6):251-254. [23] HEDAYATYANFARD K, HADDADI N S, ZIAI S A, et al. Therenin-angiotensin system in cutaneous hypertrophic scar and ke‐loid formation[J]. ExpDermatol,2020,29(9):902-909. [24] MOHAMMADI A A, PARAND A, KARDEH S, et al. Efficacyof topical enalapril in treatment of hypertrophic scars[J]. World JPlast Surg,2018,7(3):326-331. [25] ZHENG B, FANG Q Q, WANG X F, et al. The effect of topicalramipril and losartan cream in inhibiting scar formation[J].Biomed Pharmacother,2019,118:109394. [26] WU X, BIAN D, DOU Y, et al. Asiaticoside hinders the inva‐sive growth of keloid fibroblasts through inhibition of the GDF-9/MAPK/Smad pathway[J]. J Biochem Mol Toxicol,2017,31(8):21922.